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The College of Sound Healing
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Anita Das

Anita Das is a qualified Cosh Sound Healing with the Voice; Sacred Drumming, Crystal and Himalayan Bowls and Gong practitioner and tutor with The College of Sound Healing (Cosh).

Following a near-death experience and spiritual awakening, she uncovered an ability to act as a natural voice channel and trance medium and awakened past life energy healing abilities. Since then, she dived more fully into the spiritual field and has trained in and practises various therapy and healing modalities.

She practices as a hypnotherapist; regression and between lives spiritual regression therapist; spiritual counsellor; spiritual life coach; shamanic healer practitioner; soul transformation therapist. She also practices healing modalities including Angelic Reiki; Atlantean Paddles; New Shamballa; Master Energy Colour Healing; Sonic Light Language; Assemblage Point Healing.

She also provides readings including Soul Plan Reading; Overlay; Akashic Records; Psychic; Angel; Mediumship; Channelled; Astrology.

She also practices energy management; intrusive energy removal; spirit release; psychic surgery; spiritual emergency; space clearing.

As well as individual sessions, Anita hosts group events including group gong and bowls sound baths; sacred drumming circles; Chi Kung and meditation classes.

She teaches workshops focused on soul purpose and spiritual development including the following courses: Shamanic Healing Practitioner available via Cosh; Soul Plan Reader Practitioner; Angelic Reiki Practitioner Master Teacher; Golden Merkabha of Creation; New Shamballa; Master Energy Colour Healing Practitioner; Energy Management; Channelling; Abundance and Manifestation; Chi Kung; meditation.

She is a member of the following bodies: College of Sound Healing (CoSH); General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC); The Complementary National Healthcare Council (CNHC); Angelic Reiki UK; The Healer Foundation; The British Complementary Medicine Association (BCMA); International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM); The Complementary Medical Association (CMA); Spiritual Regression Therapy Association (SRTA); Earth Association of Regression Therapy (EARTh); Central Register of Stop Smoking Therapists (CRSST); Spirit Release Forum (SRF). She loves to assist clients in their journey of transformation and empowerment to be the best that they can be, achieve their dreams and live their unique soul purpose.

For more information, visit Anita's website or contact Anita by email or phone on 07501136692.

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