Our Tutors


    Michelle Jane Thompson

    Michelle has been immersed in in spiritual work for more than 30 years and is a life-long devotee of sacred sounds whether they be instruments, voice, mantra, or sacred texts.

    Michelle's work as a Sound Therapist, Yoga Teacher, Holistic practitioner and Life coach aim to inspire deeper understanding and healing of the self through listening with a softer awareness. Her teaching emphasizes curiosity, compassion, belief, self-acceptance. Trained in multiple sound therapies, yoga modalities and massage therapies she is also a life coach, reiki master teacher as well being a chant, Sanskrit and vedic text guide. Her offerings reflect her diverse trainings and are a hybrid of sound, yoga, growth and self-examination.

    Commited to helping others on their journey she currently offer classes/trainings as well as multiple modality workshops. A passionate student of Sanskrit, vedic mantra and ancients texts it is her vision to share their wisdom and magic through future teachings.

  • Crystal Bowl and Himalayan Bowl Practitioner Training Course © Dates

  • Online Virtual Workshop Dates

For more information, visit Michelle Jane's website or contact Michelle Jane by email or phone on 07748427794.

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